


Nearly all rooms can benefit from proper ventilation and now with the quiet fan range they need not be obtrusive as far as noise is concerned. We both stock and can obtain a wide range of ventilation fans.
Fans should always be sited as far as possible from the source of air that you want to displace. This is to ensure no short-curcuiting of the flow of air. The ventilation fan should also be placed as high as possible in the wall, close to the ceiling in order to best deal with smells which by their nature tend to rise.

There are also rules laid out in building regulations which state clearly the distances required between a ventilation fan and a boiler flue for example. These rules must of course be adhered to.

The diameter size of the fan will dictate the amount of air it can move and this in itself will determine how large or small you need the fan to be.  Some fans come complete with integral backdraught shutters in them to keep the room draught free when the fan is not in use

Just some of the manufacturers we deal with – all trademarks acknowledged

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